Speech Coaching
Navigating Speaking
Public speaking is ranked in the Book of Lists as the #1 fear of most people in the U.S. With a whopping 41%, it outranks the 19% who fear death more. Yet you have lots of knowledge and stories you’d like to pass along, so why not learn to embrace public speaking?
Good verbal communication skills are critical to success in any endeavor, be it the storyteller at Thanksgiving, or a presentation to your organization membership. A lack of presentation and communication skills, and not enough practice and preparation are the silent killers of many great ideas. At a recent entrepreneur pitch-fest to venture capitalists, 7 out of 8 presenters were called to task by the panel for their lack of presentation skills. That’s a whopping 87.5%!
Why not stack the deck in your favor by learning to make a killer presentation? Whether it’s the story about the fish that got away, a 10-minute business pitch, or an all day conference presentation, speaking success comes from knowledge, organization, experience, and practice. However, not everyone was taught how to speak well in school, which is why every successful speaker has a coach.
Many executives are good at their jobs in business but tend to “wing it” when presenting. Good speaking is an art that includes how to plan and write what you’re going to say, in addition to saying it well.
Larry Jacobson, a two-time TEDx presenter, motivational speaker, and presenter of hundreds of proposals in the corporate world knows how to communicate your points to your audience. More importantly, he knows how to teach these skills to you. From corporate executives to political candidates, Jacobson ranks at the top for teaching the skills you need. He listens intently and has the ability to laser focus on what needs improvement.
All coaching with Larry is 100% confidential. The number of coaching slots is limited so we suggest you get on the calendar well in advance of that upcoming presentation.
Jacobson believes in always over-delivering to his clients, and to him, a 1-hour session = 90 minutes. In four sessions, you’ll learn to:
- Develop Your Presentation
- Deliver Your Presentation using professional skills and style
- Depending on your requests and requirements, Larry will focus more time on those elements where you need the most work.
If you have a speech to deliver, that’s the one you’ll work on to perfection throughout the course. If you don’t have a speech in mind, you’ll create one and work on that throughout the course. Meetings can be held in person at Larry’s bay area office, or via Skype.
Speaking Tune-Up
For those who are preparing for an upcoming presentation or speech and want critique, tips, and dramatic improvement, this program is the answer. Two 90-minute packed sessions of listening, critiquing, and upgrading your speaking skills by leaps and bounds.
- Investment: $797 in one payment in advance
Here’s an outline of the Navigating Speaking Course
I. Developing the presentation
- Your overall speech foundation. The main premise, purpose, theme, or point of the speech.
- Creating Your Foundational Phrase
- The 3 to 5 sub-stories with pictures to make their points. Open, story, and close with point.
Strong opening
- Posing a question to the audience
- Puts them in the picture
Strong closing—bring it back to the audience.
- What action or memory do you want the audience to take away? Example: “You can make your dream come true.” How will their life be improved if they take this away with them? Example: “Choose to Lead” Key phrases they will remember eg. “Fear is nature’s way of making us focus on the task at hand.”
- High You/Me ratio.
II.Presentation skills and style.
- Tell me a story: Open, story, close with point
- Head: think
- Heart: connect
- Belly: laugh
- Dialog Different people: change positions
- Characters and what is needed to describe them
- Describe: 2 to 3 points
- Change in character from beginning of story to end
- Fat words vs. skinny words: “Thing” vs. Conclusion, Event, Circumstance, element…
- Setting the scene of a story with the 5 senses. Painting a word picture.
- Projection
- Body language
- Movement: walk and stop, turn and speak
- What do with your hands.
- Suspense and foreshadowing
- Humor: rule of 3, re-defining, look to you, don’t step on punch line
- It takes 3 skills to get a boat around the world: passion, bravery, and the ability to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew.
- To be a good speaker, you need passion, enthusiasm, and to take away the audience’s cell phones.
- You may not know this, but cold calling is actually a Yiddish term, meaning beating your head against the wall.
- I trust my gut. And the bigger it gets, the more I trust it.
The power of Pause vs. Um, uh
- Voice inflection and volume level. Turn the dials.
- Change it every 5 minutes or so
- Different levels for different parts of the story
Death by PowerPoint
Alternative way of showing lots of pics Rapid slide show
- You’re human: show it
- Smile
- Cry