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  1. Nathan Celleste
    May 19, 2021 @ 4:56 am

    Larry tghat article reflected exsctly what I was thinking. Thanks for making me feel better about how I feel these days.

  2. Me'irah
    May 10, 2021 @ 4:19 pm

    Larry, I am crying and laughing. I’ve had to go out for work for the last two months, so I’ve started showering a lot more frequently, and looking at clothes in my closet I haven’t seen in a year. I have a debilitating crush on someone 3000 miles away, partly due, I suspect, to having felt a lot more lonely than I realized. Hugs. Thank God I have my son who visits periodically, and is a great hugger. I actually am not afraid of Covid, being “vaxxed,” but I have worried that I have become somewhat anti-social. I’ve hired someone to help me de-junk, and that is feeling good. Thank you for bringing these subterranean feelings out into words. Articulating thoughts is always helpful in resolution.

  3. Lauren Baker
    May 7, 2021 @ 3:15 am

    Larry I have been following your writing for years and it has usually hit home. This time you hit right on target. I was having this conversation with a friend just last week. Perfect, thank you

  4. Fran Rosen
    May 5, 2021 @ 7:07 am

    I liked the part about how to act in social settings. I too think I forgot how to act. I can’t actually give up hugging, but I sure wish I knew everyone was going to have to be vaccinated. Oh, I heard a younger person say the other day, “vaxed” is the new word.

  5. Yvonne
    May 4, 2021 @ 1:42 pm

    Well written explanation of my feelings exactly. How did you know what I was thinking?

  6. Knute Frampton
    May 3, 2021 @ 6:21 pm

    Younger people might not be so careful about going out, but at my senior age, I’m with you Larry. It’s probably safe to go out and I’ll be just fine, but I’m used to staying in, so I think I’ll do that for a while longer. Now, how do we get more people to want to get vaccinated?

  7. Barbara Walden
    May 2, 2021 @ 12:06 pm

    Haha, you suppose you should go back to wearing socks and underwear. I totally get it, I have been doing less laundry, used less deodorant, but am ready to get back to the real world. Great article, thanks.

  8. Bernie Gillespie
    May 2, 2021 @ 9:12 am

    I was trying to explain how I was feeling to a friend the other day. It was exactly as you are saying, but I just couldn’t find the right words. Thank you, now I can just show her your article and say,
    “Me too!”

  9. Rich Markum
    May 2, 2021 @ 2:16 am

    You have totally put into words what we all are thinking. Well done, Larry.

  10. Terrance James
    May 2, 2021 @ 2:14 am

    This is exactly how I feel. I’m just not ready yet, not sure when I will be, but it will be on my schedule. Excellent job at verbalizing the thoughts of so many people. Thank you. TJ

  11. Lisa Guslink
    May 2, 2021 @ 1:31 am

    I haven’t been able to properly explain my feelings to others. Now all I have to do is send them this blog. I’m so glad others have the same feelings! Keep this kind of article coming Larry, you inspire us all. Lisa

  12. James Kazowsky
    May 1, 2021 @ 3:59 pm

    Thank you,
    Very relevant article that reflects how many of us feel about post-covid restriction removals.

    I’m looking forward to read more of your articles 🙂

  13. Ken
    April 29, 2021 @ 4:13 pm

    I feel ya Larry. Well articulated and spot on regarding the mixed bag of adapting, re-adapting, accepting and anticipating. No way out but with your gritty realism and willingness to see the bigger picture I hold hope. Let’s keep engaging in the pandemic cha cha or whatever existential dance we might be collectively choreographing. What’s the theme song here?! I kinda like Bastille’s “Surviving”. Love your witty wisdom.