Until now, nearly all retirement planning has been fiscal. Once your finances are in order, the question still remains: What will you do with your time in retirement? It’s a much bigger challenge than expected and very few sources address the problem.
Shortly after the euphoria of, “Yahoo! I don’t have to go to work today!” wears off, new retirees often feel:
- An overall sense of loss
- Loss of social interaction from fellow employees
- Lack of purpose
- Void of fulfillment
- No longer needed
- No longer appreciated for their knowledge
- Suffer from fears about not knowing their next step
- Disconnected from society
- Loss of direction
- Don’t know who to turn to for help
How do you redefine retirement so it provides you a continued life of fulfillment and purpose? How do you live a balanced life in retirement when you discover that golf and grandkids aren’t enough?
As a thought leader in the field of non-financial retirement planning, Larry Jacobson addresses all of these issues and more. A new study from the American Heart Association shows you have a 56% higher chance of stroke if you can’t state your purpose in life during your retirement. Jacobson guides his audiences to find that purpose.
Baby Boomers are retiring at the rate of 10,000 per day for the next 15 years. They’re living 10-30 years longer than their parents and are wondering what to do with their time. It’s an unexpected part of life that hasn’t been planned out for them. Larry’s audiences take away the first steps to creating their plan.
Retirees who don’t have a plan have a 40% higher probability of falling into clinical depression than non-retirees. Still, only 30% of retirees have a clear plan of what they want in their retirement years and what steps to take in order to make that life a reality. Those with a plan have clarity of their passions, desires, skills, and know step by step how to make their vision a reality.
After retirement from 20 years as a corporate executive, Larry achieved his own dream of sailing his own boat around the world. Jacobson now is dedicated to helping others redefine their retirement to live a longer and more fulfilled life with purpose. He guides his clients to find their true passion and merge it with their skills, knowledge, and expertise from their career to find and pursue a new purpose in life. Jacobson stands out as a transition expert. His stories of achievement, humility, and humor will engage your audience and provide practical application to their own lives.
Larry Jacobson
Your Retirement Life-Style Design Coach
Larry Jacobson is America’s #1 trusted authority on non-fiscal retirement life-style planning. He is the creator of the Award-Winning “Sail Into Retirement” life-style design program; developed based on his own Retirement Transformation Experience. He retired early and sailed around the world… in 6 years. Larry is a two-time TEDx speaker, and a regular speaker at Retirement and Life-Style Planning events. Larry believes only in teaching what he knows, and he loves helping his clients turn their passion into their dream retirement. If you’d like to explore inviting Larry to speak at your organization’s next event; or if you’d like to be coached by Larry, Click HERE to contact him!
If you haven’t downloaded Larry’s new Check-List, The Top 5 Retirement Life-Style Planning Secrets, you can do so Here!
If you have any questions about Retirement Life-Style Planning, you can send Larry Jacobson a message – Click HERE!